Publication list

  1. Giancarlo Montani, Maurizio Martino  “M Tear Film Characteristics During Wear of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses, Clinical Ophthalmology” (2020) 14 1521-1531
  2. Giancarlo Montani, Maurizio Martino, Maria Grazia Manera “Two different contact lens care systems effect on surface roughness in hydrogel and silicone hydrogel materials Contact Lens and Anterior Eye” 41 (2018) S68 DOI: 10.1016/j.clae.2018.03.086
  3. Giancarlo Montani, Linda Landini, Maurizio Martino “Short-and long-term effects of a multi-component, artificial tear on preocular tear film stability, tear evaporation and tear film optical dynamic: a prospective randomized” Current Eye Research (2022)  47 (9) 1252-1258